Saturday, April 30, 2016


Hello world. I'm Brandon, a guy that loves food and loves writing about food even more. Yelp used to be my primary outlet for such things (, but anybody who's read my reviews on Yelp knows that I have way too many things to say for that sort of medium.  Most people using Yelp are on their phones anyway and nobody is going to sit and read a review like this:

So yeah, no more Yelp. Being Yelp Elite was a little annoying anyway; acquaintances would acknowledge me as "that Yelp elite guy." Some people would watch me closely when I eat at restaurants, as if I had a special way of eating that isn't just throwing food into my mouth. C'mon guys, it was just a badge!

Anyway, Yelp was useful to me for two reasons: 1) it was an outlet for my need to write, because it's not like I'm going to make money from writing and 2) it was like a journal for me, to remember the good meals I had and the funny things I had to say about the bad ones. Since I traveled to Japan and China, people have expressed interest in reading a food blog if I ever decided to start one. So I did.

Sadly, one of the most important parts about writing a successful blog is having a lot of pictures. I'm a terrible photographer (Carilyn would be happy to explain how) and during my previous travels I didn't think I'd need photos for a blog.

Bowl's not clean damnit!  Angle's all wrong!
This was supposed to be an appetizing angle for porkchop.
In the future I might work on thinking more about cool pictures for a blog rather than cool pictures for Facebook.  Until then, I can only work with what I've got: a shaky hand and a completely wrong sense of what things should look like.  Anyway, prepare for lots of fun, lots of food, and until my photo taking abilities improve, lots of righteous walls of text!

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